script lets your visitors quickly and conveniently send
you an email directly from your web site.
usual mailto link (try this one -
) will try to open the default email software - like Outlook, Outlook Express or Eudora - on your
visitor's computer. Such email software may not even be installed, or it may not have been set up correctly - or even if it does, it may have an email address setup that your visitor may not want to make public.
Then the only way
remaining to email you is for your visitor to copy and
paste the above email link into his web mail compose
box (like hotmail, yahoo mail, etc) and then send you
an email.
face it - no body has the time or the patience to do what I just described.
Even if some of them did, they could make a mistake while re-typing it or while copying-and-pasting it, and you may never get their email, and you end up losing their business because they think you are unresponsive to their pre-sales emails!
Even if that may noit could still be that you
are still preventing a substantial number of visitors
from contacting you - simply by making it too difficult
for them to do so.
the following script will make emailing you a snap.
And you can also send them a personalized auto response
instantaneously right from this script itself. (a regular
email-address which has the autoresponse feature enabled
on your mail server can only send back a plain reply
- not a personalized one, like only this script can!).
a Demo:
Click here to Contact Us
of the Script : $29.95