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(Out of site means out of sight means out of mind ;-)

This script can be used not only for framing an Amazon store, but simply any external link on your site.

Let me explain in detail.

I'm sure you have quite a few external links on your site - that is, links to other 3rd party sites, which don't belong to you.

Usually there are two ways to do this :

  1. Open the external link in a new window: In this case, you are sending your visitor to a totally different site, and though you are sending them in a new window, chances are, if they like the external site a lot, they just might spend a lot of time there, and by the time they are done and close the window, they might already be done browsing, or they've simply lost that momentum. Out of site means out of sight means out of mind ;-)
  2. The other choice is to frame them within your own frame on your site. Which means your frame will be showing all the time, and will serve them as a reminder that you are the one who brought them here, and that your site is still waiting for you to return.

To see an example of what framing other sites within your own frame means, click this link.

At this link, I have framed an amazon product page within my own frame (see my logo and a link back to my site at the top right corner). Clicking this link will take you back to my webstore (from where I send my visitors out to Amazon pages this way).

However, with the conventional way of framing, there is one problem - if you were to build a frame-index page for every such external page, and if your site contains hundreds (or even tens) of such external links, then you would end up spending an extraordinary amount of time building and maintaining the frame index pages.

Only solution to the problem: The Amazon-Frame-Builder script.

Frame external links dynamically. Just like I've done above. Regardless of how many such external links you have, all you need is just this one script.

Let me prove it to you: Add the url of any page at the end of this following link:

Go ahead and try replacing the text YOUR-LINK-HERE in the above link, with the url to any page or site - just make sure it starts with http://

For example, you could try something like:

This link has framed within my site's master frame. Try clicking on the above link and you'll understand more about this dynamic framing script. Try replacing the with .

So, this script is truly a dream come true not only for framing amazon product pages, but for framing any external link on your site.

The reason I say this, is because I wrote to reduce my own work when I was trying to frame 30-40 amazon product pages from my toy store at my flagship site,


Try a Demo:
Click here to frame


Part I: Code for main frame set

There is a reference to "top_toyframe.html" in the code below. Modify that part to reflect the page which contains the HTML code for your top half of the frame. Copy the code in the box below into a file and name it toyframe.html

and Press Ctrl+C to copy



Part II: Code for top half of your frame

This is the code for the page which refers to top_toyframe.html .This one has the logo and the link back some page on your site. Copy the code below and customize it to reflect your site. And then put into a file and call it top_toyframe.html . If you decide to name it anything else, then don't forget to modify the reference to the same page in the code for Part I.

You can even have a small banner or button, like I've done below.

and Press Ctrl+C to copy

Cost of the Script : $19.95

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